Eska is a 2 year old female Boxer cross American Bulldog. This absolutely adorable girl was brought to us as a stray and never claimed. Eska was timid upon arrival here but soon settled down to show us the bonny, happy girl that we all know and adore! Eska did go to a home but was sadly returned to us. We feel she was returned too soon and not given a chance to settle down. Eska is clearly a very insecure dog. She absolutely needs a calm, confident owner that will feed their confidence to Eska. She is great in the house but on walks she can panic when she sees another dog etc. She is a large, strong dog so will need someone who can manage her. Our behaviourist will be on hand to give full advice on building her confidence up and helping her to grow into a secure dog.
As Eska has now been abandoned by two homes it is likely that she will develop separation anxiety. This is characteristic of so many dogs that feel betrayed and abandoned by the people they loved, they do not understand why they no longer have their home and family. Eska will need someone who is home pretty much most of the day that can build her up to being left alone. As we have no prior history on Eska we are looking for an adult home or one with older teens. She is best as the only pet whilst her new home work on developing her confidence around other dogs on walks.
Eska is such a loving dog. She is a great big goofy, happy lump and we adore her. She will make a wonderful friend.